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10 Days + 10 Nights of Music, Performance and World Class Street Artists painting LIVE Biography Terminal Kings is 10 days and 10 nights of World Class Street Art, music, performance and energy presented by the University of Denver in a proud partnership with Denver International Airport. World renown artists Sam Flores, David Choe and Highraff are coming to Denver from January 12th -21st to each paint an 8’ tall 100’ long mural on moveable 4’ sections that will become the first Kinetic Mural...See More Awards Special ticketed performances are happening nightly including shows from , Bop Skizzum, Broken Tongues, A. Tom Collins Band, Mourning Clouds, Souls of Mischief, Ninja Styles hip hop competitions, Hella Thready Fashion Shows, Midnite, Supreme Action League and the closing party on Saturday Night will feature International superstar DJ Z-TRIP. Tickets for these events are available here and at outlets across Denver.